Monday Mar 20, 2023

A Champions Mindset

Have you ever thought about: what it would be like to be world famous? Like legit world famous? What it would be to be known and liked by many people all over the world? I’m sure there are some pretty nice perks that come along with being world famous, but I want to propose something even better and that’s being world famous in the eyes of those closest to you, in the eyes of those closest to me and the ones who truly know me. Not the ones on the outside who think they know me. Not being world famous to THE WORLD but being world famous to YOUR WORLD. Your world includes those you work with, your team members, your vendors, and customers. It includes those you interact with in the community, and it especially includes those who live under the same roof with you. In this episode of principles we discuss what does it look like to live with a CHAMPIONS MINDSET: πŸ₯Š Champions focus on who they are and who they are becoming as a champion not on who they were in the process of becoming a champion. πŸ₯Š They do not have to go around trying to prove and convince others that they are a champion. πŸ₯Š They do not play down to the level of a lesser opponent. πŸ₯Š They do not take shorts and they take training seriously. πŸ₯Š They CHAMPION others. πŸ“– Get Cory's Book "Heart of The Father" πŸ‘‡ STAY CONNECTED WITH CORY HERE πŸ‘‡ Stay Connect: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Podcast:

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