Monday Oct 09, 2023

Dream I Dare You

Welcome back to The Cory Lee Show and this's time to dream! Dream: I DARE YOU! I am excited for you to get to hear this conversation between me and my friend Julia Gentry. We dive deep into the power of dreams, mindset, and overcoming limiting beliefs. Trust me, this is an episode you don't want to miss! You don't want to miss her take of these two questions: - Are you asking God for something that is too difficult for Him? - Why don't we allow ourselves to dream big? Here are 3 key takeaways from this inspiring conversation: 1️⃣ The importance of dreaming: Often, we find it difficult to allow ourselves to dream big. Julia explores why this is the case and encourages us to dig deeper into the reasons behind our desires and goals. Asking "why" and understanding our true motivations can lead us to a path of genuine fulfillment. 2️⃣ Unpacking limiting beliefs: Julia introduces a powerful concept called the "limiting belief equation" that helps us identify and understand the self-imposed beliefs that hold us back. By acknowledging and addressing these beliefs, we can break free from their grip and live a life with limitless possibilities. 3️⃣ Aligning prayers with God's narrative: Instead of focusing solely on personal desires and needs, Julia challenges us to align our prayers with the narrative and work of God. By thinking bigger and pushing the limits of our prayers, we can tap into a higher purpose and contribute to a greater impact in our faith, family, career, and community. If you're ready to dive into a thought-provoking and transformative conversation about dreaming, mindset, and overcoming limitations, I highly recommend checking out this episode of The Cory Lee Show. You can find the link in the comments below. And don't forget, She has her a live event happening in Denver, Colorado on November 2-4. Head over to for more details! Make sure to grab a copy of her book: Dream I Dare you on or on Amazon. Remember, it's never too late to embrace your dreams and pursue a life of purpose. Let's dare to dream big and step into the call to greater alignment!

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