Thursday Aug 17, 2023

Embracing the challenge: Rising above mediocrity & achieving greatness

Welcome back to another episode of "Principles with Cory and Logan"! We're thrilled to be here in our brand new podcast studio, ready to dive deep into an incredible topic today: Greatness Unpacked. But before we get started, we have some exciting announcements to share! First up, Cory has just released his new book, "Leading With Insight." This devotional-style book is sure to inspire and guide you on your leadership journey. Make sure to grab a copy and let us know what you think! Here is the link: But that's not all – Cory is also launching a mastermind group called "Breaking Through to Greatness." This is a fantastic opportunity for leaders and entrepreneurs who are seeking growth and development. If you're ready to take your journey to the next level, be sure to check it out. You can check it out here: Now, let's talk about today's topic: greatness. Cory has always been fascinated by watching the best of the best compete in their respective fields. But he's noticed a troubling trend – a culture of complacency and comfort that seems to pervade society. It's time to shake things up and realize that greatness isn't achieved through mediocrity. In this episode, Cory will explore the importance of effort and diligence in our pursuit of greatness. He'll challenge us to despise laziness, indifference, and apathy, and instead, recognize the greatness that resides within each and every one of us. Make sure to subscribe so you can stay up to date with the latest episodes.

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