Thursday May 25, 2023

Feed Your Faith, Starve Your Fear

On this episode of Principles with Cory and Logan, we delve deep into the concept goal and dream achievement. To start this episode off we want to challenge you to rate how expectant you are on a scale of 1 to 5 actually achieving the dream in your heart and then let's identify some of those fears you may have about your dream. In this episode we want to prompt you to distinguish between real and perceived fears and ask you to consider what needs to change in your thinking towards your goal. In this episode: šŸ”„ The significance of feeding one's faith and starving fear. šŸ”„ Listeners can learn a lot about investing in their future and having a vision or dream. šŸ”„ Discussion on the importance of examining whether one is feeding more on fears or faith and how one's words and thoughts can either water the seeds of our dreams or be like weed killers. šŸ”„ We also share a study that suggests how words we use can affect the molecular structure of water, even though water doesn't have eyes, ears, or consciousness. Pretty amazing! Tune into this episode to gain insights on achieving your dreams and stepping up your game from superficial motivation to genuine transformation. šŸ“– Get Cory's Book "Heart of The Father" šŸ‘‡ STAY CONNECTED WITH CORY HERE šŸ‘‡ Stay Connect: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Podcast:

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